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 Learn What To Expect At Mary's Shows

                  The monkeys are truly such special creatures and we know how they can make everyone put a smile on their face and a giggle in their heart. The people that have seen the shows continue to speak about their memories and photos of when the monkeys came to their special event.

We really do make those once in a lifetime memories

that will last forever.

                                      The SunShine MonkeyShines show is an audience participation show, so the kids, the moms, the dads, and other guests could become part of the show. The show is full of neat educational things such as monkeys swinging with their tails and drinking from bottles and unzipping their snack purses. Every thing is so fun to see when the little stars of the show do it!

                 Each monkey is very special with their very own part of the show. *Silly Willy* is the opening act because he is the "Toddler." *Sissy Lou* is the beautiful black and white monkey that loves to sit on your lap and even sometimes will give you a big monkey hug. *Maggie Mae* is the monkey star of the show. She is the Little Princess Monkey and the Biker Girl in her Harley Shirt. She will be walking on the backs of everyone at the end of her part of the show. It doesn't really matter which of the monkeys are out during the show. You will be greatly entertained and have wonderful memories that will last forever.

                 Please call us. I look forward to speaking with you about your special event and will be glad to answer your questions. I am currently doing one SunShine MonkeyShines, "Education through Entertainment" presentation per day. so, please remember to call as soon as you have the date of your event and I will check my availability

(About The Photo)

This is a very special photo of my niece Marina helping me with her first "Monkey Show."

*Sissy* is 15 years old in this photo. 


The Following Questions Are The Most Common Things People Ask When Deciding To Have

SunShine MonkeyShines Come To Their

Special Event.


What are your stage and setup requirements?

We would appreciate having help to bring our props and monkey cages into your location and out to our show van after the presentation.

What is the best possible size of group for your show?

We prefer to keep our show to a moderate size group. If we are doing a private party in a home, I often will tell the host or hostess that if there are around 10 children, then we can spend individual time with each of them. Sissy and Louie love to share themselves. If we are doing a school presentation and they wish for us to show to all of the students, we will do several shows in order to keep the groups to a moderate amount, usually 200 children per show. When we do school shows, we always take this into account when pricing the back-to-back shows.

Where will you set up in our home or building?

When we come into your home, fellowship hall or special room, I tell people to open up the room. We like to be in a corner so that our umbrella pole will be in a corner. The colorful umbrella serves as our backdrop for photos, and the show set and the area behind the umbrella will serve as out backstage area for the cages and other things that we use to carry out props in with. Remember that we do not need light coming from behind our set up area because the light will not work out well for your photos.

Will I need chairs for the children to watch your show?

We always like to have children seated down on the floor. We bring a way of marking off the show area so you will know where the children will be. The adults will take the seats, couches, and pillows behind the children who will be located on the floor.

Will you need electricity for your show?

We bring everything that we will need except electricity for fans in the extreme heat or heaters in the extreme cold weather. Some people will choose to place us in garage areas for home parties and they are instructed to help us with this when we are in those extreme conditions with our weather.

Where will you set up in our home?

Throughout the years we have been in hallways - in kitchens – in trailers - in banks - in cafeterias - in classrooms - in bonus rooms – just about everywhere people can gather. It really doesn't seem to matter because we still have fun and make wonderful memories for ever person that is present. We are able to be very flexible and can adjust to the area in which you wish for us to do our shows.

Will me need to remove the dogs, cats, birds and other animals that are in our house for our show?

We do request that you please remove any dogs that might bark during the show and while we are bringing in the monkeys. So please think about this before we arrive. The other animals do not usually present a problem for the monkeys. The dogs seem to make them become very unsettled, and this could make your show not be as good as we would all wish it to be.

Will you need a special place to park your show van?

A place to park close to the door is always really nice. The helpers who will be asked to help with bringing in the props and the monkey cages will also appreciate this if it is cold, raining or extremely hot.

Will the monkeys mess up my house while they are doing the show?

The monks wear diapers and I bring all of the proper trash bags and clean up things for our set-up area after the show. We hope you will not even notice that we have been there with real live monks in your home or special event location.

What is the proper age for the audience of your show.

We do presentations for as young as 1 year old; all the way to 101 year old parties. It does not matter what age your audience is because the monkeys have a way of capturing everyone's attention and putting smiles upon their face instantly.

Special Note:

It is okay to plan this party. We have never had any accidents or any problems with our shows in 25 years. I promise you will be so surprised how much fun it will be. Go check the calendar and choose your date and then call us for our availability!

About the Directions To Your Home Or Building.

Thanks in advance for getting the directions to us of how to come to your home or building before we start our journey. We do not use GPS to guide us due to our need to always know where we are going when we travel with the monks.


25 Years Of

"Education through Entertainment"

@(o_o)@ with real monkeys @(o_o)@


   Want to see more photos of our shows, presentations, and special events? 

 Please go to: Photo Gallery -Monkey Shows page and if you have already 

decided to have us can also start planning a 

 Monkey Cake from some of the photos/ideas on the

Photo Gallery - Monkey Cakes page. Enjoy!

SunShine MonkeyShines

Mary Lynn's Numbers *865-988-3301* or cell *865-919-6146*

Jesse's Number On The Road is *440-986-1386*

Text For His Availability For Larger Events and Travel Schedule

We Truly Make Memories That Will Last Forever!

Thank You For Visiting Us Here

Please click here to visit us at our older site and see more photos and a cool video.

Thanks for understanding that when the site is down, we are editing and up-loading more photos.

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